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Starting Your Job in a Big City or a Small Town
发布时间:2013-09-02 20:38:50 作者:烟台大学  发布者:1416622329 浏览次数:6139  类别:中文作文   优秀指数:
[大学一年级] 山东省 >> 烟台市 >> 莱山区 >> 莱山镇

Time flies. Every graduate confronts this question when he starts his career. As a student, everyone has dreams and pursuit. In the future, we should confront with the problem of finding a career. I suppose I am a normal person, so I just intend to find a normal job. I decide to work in a small town.

To begin with, a small town where the pace of life is less stressful than in the metropolis. For example, in the small town, the street would not crowd than the metropolis. I can't stand the fast-paced city. One should eat to live, not live to eat. The insignificant would give me a better environment for life. So it is not indissoluble to work in the substantial.

Then, my hometown is a minor town, and it is located in the north. I love my hometown. In my opinion, I mean to work in my hometown to improve Home building. I believe I can achieve my dream even of working in town.

As a result, I like working in a small town. Not only we will have an easy task, but also have time to play with family. Pleasant hours fly past. So we do not need to work in the big city. Working in the small town is good for enjoying my happy time. One should eat to live, not live to eat.

  • 批改教师:陈伟 ( 山东省 >> 烟台市 >> 烟台工贸技师学院 )
    批改时间:2013/9/5 22:06:10

    Time flies. Every graduate  confronts this question when he starts his career. As a student, everyone has dreams and pursuit then continue to pursue them. In the future, we should confront with the problem of finding a career. I suppose I am a normal person, so I just intend to find a normal job. I decide to work in a small town.

    To begin with, a small town where the pace of life is less stressful than  in the metropolis.(the pace of the small town's life is much less stressful than that in the metropolis )For example, in the small town, the street would not so crowded as than that in the metropolis. I can't stand the fast-paced city cities. One should eat to live, not live to eat. The insignificant  would give me a better environment for life which can not experience in the big cities . So it is not indissoluble to work in the substantial suburban district.

    Then, my hometown is a minor town, and it is located in the north. I love my hometown. In my opinion, I mean to work in my hometown to improve Home building. I believe I can achieve my dream even of working in town.

    As a result, I like working in a small town. Not only  will we will have an easy task, but also have time to play with family. Pleasant hours fly past. So we do not need to work in the big city cities. Working in the small town is good for enjoying my happy time. One should eat to live, not live to eat.   点评:这是一篇阐述观点型的英语文章,作者整篇文章结构把握的非常不错,从引言到正文最后到结论,内容衔接比较得当。就本文来说,作者在组织句子时还要注意一下,像文中标注黄色的那句话里面,整句话没有一个句子的“心脏”——动词,此处的系动词is 是后面where引导的定语从句的“心脏”,主句中就没有动词。另外,还有一些在运用一些细小的知识点的时候要使用准确。Wish you could grasping all the opportunities to  find a satisfying job in your hometown and make great efforts to achieve your goals.

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