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School is the basis,creativity makes it perfect.
发布时间:2014-03-23 17:11:44 作者:123  发布者:03047005 浏览次数:3100  类别:英文作文  
[大学一年级] 作文批改网

First of all, I agree with that “all kids have tremendous talents”. And indeed that creativity now is as important in education as literacy, we should treat it with the same status.

However, school shouldn’t be the killer. Instead, school help children use their talent of creativity better.

Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that all chirldren can effectively be taught to acquire different skills, including those associated with sport, art, music, or dance. So from our own schools experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child can acquire these skill with continued teaching and guided practices.

Furthermore, the creativity which they originally have will let them go farther. From a person who has been trained to play a sport or an instrument, to a good player. In other words, more to a skill than a learnd technique.  

From my perspective, the talent we have on creativity and the skills we learn from school, are not mutually exclusive. They should be complementary to each other. Good musicians or great artists or exceptional dancers or even sport stars have probably succeeded because of both good training and natural stupendous creativity. On the one hand, without the creativity,continuous,tough,long time training would neither attractive nor productive. On the other hand, without school training, the child will not know how to exploit and develop their creative talent.

Just like the story of Gillian Lynne. It was because she was taken to a dance school. At there she saw a wonderful world. she meet people who couldn't sit still just like her. People who had to move to think.

At last, she had a wonderful career at the Royal Ballet. She eventually graduated from the Royal Ballet School and founded her own company.

That’s what creativity and school skills give her.
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