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A interesting day
发布时间:2014-05-16 23:20:37 作者:张池  发布者:huashuicici 浏览次数:2952  类别:英文作文  
[大学一年级] 河南省 >> 郑州市 >> 金水区 >> 龙子湖街道祭城路

                           A interesting day

      With chorus day's coming, we were ready to fright.

We have had many rehearsals for a half of the month day and night, and the team songs were "The flowers in May" and "Ten Farewell Red Army". We consisted of 22 girls and 10 boys of the choir. In general , we often chorus in our free time when we had no class, we often gather in the roadside restaurant.

      Although the chorus was called "Chorus in May,4" ,  it began on May ,10th. So we all caught the short time and sang songs again and again .Finally , the day came. But it was raining all day which was moderate to heavy rain, and the  temperature turned down.  We all felt cold because we dressed cotta and short skirt , and the wind was so strong . We waited for a long time to perform chorus. When we finished ,we  all ran hurriedly to a warm place in our restaurant .

       At that time , I thought that even if it was raining , we never give up chorus and continue dressed the suit until the activity came to an end .So , sometimes when we  caught in difficult and depressed situation , we should not give up promising , and we should think that hoe to solve problems and continue sticking to struggle to make a difference.

      On that night ,the competition result showed in public , our team gain the Third .  We were very satisfied with that and it was so delighted for us . That day was a  meaning and interesting day.

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2014/5/15 11:55:56

    With the day near that chorus day's was coming, we were ready to fright.

    We have trained (had many rehearsalschorus for a half of the month day and night and our (the) team songs were "The flowers in May" and "Ten Farewell Red Army". We consisted of 22 girls and 10 boys of the choir. In general,we often chorus in our free time. when we had no class, we often gather in the roadside restaurant beside  road side.

    Although the chorus was named (called) "Chorus in May 4" and it began competition day was in (on) May 10th. So we all catched (caught) the short time and trained (sang) songs again and again .Finally,the day was coming (came). But the day was so bad , because the weather it was raining all day which it was moderate rain turn to spit heavy rain and the air temperature waturned down.We all felt cold because we dressed cotta and short skirt and the wind was so cold (strong).We waited for a long time that in (to) turn we performed chorus. When we sang songs the end (finfished) we all run (ran) in a hurry (hurriedly) to a warm place where is in our restaurant .

    In (At) that time,I thought that even if the weather (it) was raining ,and we never give up chorus and continue dressed the suit until the activity come (came) to an end .So,sometimes when we caught in difficult and depressed situation we should not give up promising and we should think that hoe to solve problems and continue sticking to struggle to make a difference.

    In (On) that night,the competition fruit (result) showed in public,our choir (team) gained the Third.This fruit we were very satisfied with that and it was so delighted for us,therefore, it is always said that 'No pains, no gains'.That day was a  meaningful and interesting day.

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