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low-Carbon Lifestyle
发布时间:2014-05-16 23:08:20 作者:张池  发布者:huashuicici 浏览次数:4194  类别:英文作文  
[大学一年级] 河南省 >> 郑州市 >> 金水区 >> 龙子湖街道祭城路

                    low-Carbon Lifestyle

       Now, more and more people care about environment problems . Therefore, some people came up with `Low-carbon Lifestyle` to protect it.

       Today, with the  development of economy people`s life has been changed a lot .The environment problem is also exposed at the same time and the cars discharge so many gases that pollute air , the factory discharge of suwage which cause water pollution problems . Therefore , our lives are influenced by it. Also ,because of the `Greenhouse effect` ,the climate has turned more and more warm, and the glacier continue being melted , it causes the sea level rise which caused more and more low island disappear.

      Therefore, Low-Carbon Lifestyle became more and more popular and a lots people  accept this new lifestyle. Low-Carbon Lifestyle is a good lifestyle,  not only does it protects environment but also it saves resources. For example , when people conprehed they make  water recycly-using , and they will select to go to work by bus or on foot went to work instead of driving their own cars . And people also pay attention to saving electricity , such as , going dark for Earth Hour.

      Finally,  Low-Carbon Lifestyle is not only saving but also is healthy and  environment protecting, it is the  most important thing which help us build a beautiful earth. Therefore , we all should take action to protect our house!

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2014/5/15 17:36:25

    Now,more and more people care about environment problems.Therefore,some people came (come) up with `Low-carbon Lifestyle`to protect environment (it).

    Today,with the development of economy developing and people`s life has been changed a lots .The environment problem is also exposed pollution problem at the same time such as more and more cars are produced and used , and the cars generate (discharge) so many gases that pollute air quality,the factory discharge of suwage which cause water pollution problems.Therefore,our life is (lives are) influent (influenced) by it. Also,because of the Greenhouse effect,the climate has turned more and more warm and the glacier continued being melted ,it causes the sea level has been rising (rise) which causes more and more low island disappear.

    Therefore, Low-Carbon Lifestyle became (becomes) more and more popular and a lots people accepted this new lifestyle. Low-Carbon Lifestyle is a good lifestyle, it not only does it protects environment but also it saves resources. For example,when people use (conprehend) it which has been (they) used (make) water and recycle it again (recycly-using) and they would (will) select to go to work by bus or on foot went to work instead of driving their own cars. And people also pay attention to saving electric (electricity) such as the save electric one hour of the earth (going dark for Earth Hour) and when people left  the light would be turn off and so on.

    Finally,Low-Carbon Lifestyle is not only economy (saving) but also is healthy and protect environment (environmental protecting), it is the most important thing which help us build a beautiful earth. Therefore,we all should take action to protect our house!

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