[大学一年级] 河南省 >> 郑州市 >> 金水区 >> 龙子湖街道祭城路
Nowadays, more and more people dislike reading. Moreover, if you ask someone wether he has read books or not , he will say that he has not studied and doesn't know a word. Also they will say that he has no time reading and is not interested in reading. Therefore, we can know that there are few people like to read in society and they don't pay any attention to reading. So, we must change this bad phenomenon.
In fact, reading can give us useful things. If you are careful you'll find it out, as the saying goes "Book are the ladder of human process". As we know that reading is the most important for us,and another saying is "Book is the spirital sustenance of mankind". Because this we should pay more attenntion to reading.
Actually, reading has many benefits. When you feel boring, you can choose a book to read and find interest. Besides, reading does not only help you increase knowledge, but also help you improve your taste, and it also makes you at ease.
If someone reads more good books, he will gain more useful things and it affects his life. At last, reading benefits were so wonderful, we should bring up our reading habit.