life of the National Day
发布时间:2017-10-10 20:39:45 作者:罗小玉 发布者:201620201223 浏览次数:5772 类别:英文作文 优秀指数:★
Qn the National Day,my parents and i attended my sister wedding.In the early morning.we were already on Meishan waiting for the wedding start .We were lucky that the weather was fine that day.The wedding very successful.It was the most exciting moment that i have ever experienced.I will never forget the mement.
批改教师:曹小燕 ( 重庆市 >> 沙坪坝区 >> 大学城 >> 重庆师范大学 )
批改时间:2017/11/1 22:46:27
Qn(On) the National Day,my parents and i (I) attended my sister(sister's) wedding,which made us happy greatly.In the early morning.(,)we were already on Meishan waiting for the wedding start .We were lucky that the weather was fine that day.of course,The wedding very successful.(可以多写点婚礼的过程或内容,使文章更细致生动,也增加了字数)It was the most exciting moment that i have ever experienced.I will never forget the mement.
批改教师:汤超然 ( 云南省 >> 昆明市 >> 西山区 )
批改时间:2019/7/29 13:42:42
Qn the National Day,my parents and i attended my sister wedding.In the early morning.we were already on Meishan waiting for the wedding start .We were lucky that the weather was fine that day.The wedding very successful.It was the most exciting moment that i have ever experienced.I will never forget the mement.