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My View on the Role of Technology in Education
发布时间:2019-10-17 22:35:50 作者:李卓玲  发布者:lizhuoling 浏览次数:27807  类别:英文作文  
[大学一年级] 四川省 >> 成都市 >> 双流县

  With the rapid development of the science and technology , people's daily life has becoming more and more convenient. So there is no doubt that Technology is changing the way that people live and there is no deny that Technology is of great significant now.

  As Technology is an integral part in many fields ,it is no wonder that Education must be one of those fields. Nowadays there is a heated discussion on the role of Technology in Education. And my view are as follows.

  By applying the Technology to Education, a large amount of paper could be saved as well as reduce the number of heavy books on students' shoulder, which is beneficial for the growth of students especially students under 18. what's more ,technology can also help to improve the efficiency  in class, which enables teacher to take better care of the students.In addition, more time can be saved in class to make the lesson  more meaningful.

  However, Technology could also be bad if it wasn't used properly.Some teenagers are addicted to the computer game and abandoned themselves to it.To make things worse, students are so crazy about game that they forget their duty to study, which have a terrible influence on their future, even their family.

  All things considered, I draw a conclusion that Technology is just like a tool, and it works or not  just depends on the way you use .In a word, you are the master to decide the role of the technology in education.




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