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Difficulties in learning English
发布时间:2012-12-03 22:27:12 作者:李龙  发布者:948443581 浏览次数:3034  类别:英文作文  
[大学一年级] 陕西省 >> 西安市 >> 西安石油大学

   Just like most of Chinese students,I feel that students studying English well is difficult.We do not have listening class in senior middle school.So I lost myself in the first listening class of univercity. I was only able to answer few questions in each class period.I begin to feel intimitated.I was afraid to speak English,and I lost my desire to learning English well.

   As far as I am concernde,less word,confusion of grammer and poor writing skill are my disappiont.To be honest,remembering a great number of vacabularies is difficult.Altough I speak them again and again,I remember nothing in next day.

I should study English hard,and despite the stution is trouble.I decide to read some English magazine and watch some foreign movies.Last but not least,remembering new words is the most important.I believe I will successful.

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